Remember that .XYZ penny promo from last year?
Almost 3 million .XYZ domains were registered in June of 2016, at the Registry’s loss, for a penny each.
It’s renewal time, and someone who registered 45,000 .XYZ domains having spent $450, received a renewal bill for $225,000 dollars!
That amounts to $5 bucks per .XYZ domain, at Internet BS.
While registrars such as Uniregistry turned promotional .XYZ auto-renewals off, apparently that wasn’t the case with Internet BS.
Here’s the situation as it unfolded on Facebook, yesterday:
Statistically, even with a 5% renewal rate, millions of .XYZ domains registered during the $0.01 promotion are expected to drop in the coming months.
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LOL ….. high carrumba !
Well that’s why you use disposable card numbers. sent out a reminder about autorenewal a few days ago
Pinkytron – What did the autorenewal reminder say?
More importantly, not ONE xyz domain out of 45K worth renewing 🙂
Just said that if you have stored a credit card and set names to auto renew they will be auto renewed.