Mobile Domainer : Bruce Marler is a domain investor on the go!

Bruce Marler, mobile domainer.

Bruce Marler is a hard-working entrepreneur; his successful involvement in the domain investing industry is just a small part of what he does as a professional.

Bruce is the Vice President of Sales Enablement at CafeX Communications, an award-winning company that produces software that makes it simple for companies to transform online customer engagement and mobile workforce collaboration.

CafeX recently raised $16.1 million dollars in an equity round of funding.

Having to travel often, those hundreds of thousands of miles inspire Bruce Marler to be productive wherever he is at.

All he needs is a laptop and a phone – the latter, for taking selfies, of course, or documenting domains in the wild.

In other words, Bruce is a mobile domainer, always on the go.  😀

“My longest downtime is when I go through airport security, after that I’m back online, keeping the game going,” said Bruce Marler.

“One thing is certain: I suck at selfies, or so my wife Tiffany thinks!” he exclaims, while Tiffany agrees emphatically.

We decided to include Bruce’s own selfie below, along with Tiffany’s portrait shots, so that anyone can decide for themselves about who is the best photographer.

There is a great chance that you will meet Bruce and Tiffany Marler at NamesCon 2017, as we did in 2015!

Bruce’s own selfie. Good, bad, or mmmkay?

Bruce taking a selfie, photo by Tiffany. A true masterpiece!


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One Response to “Mobile Domainer : Bruce Marler is a domain investor on the go!”
  1. Join Domains says:

    Vidfie is the new Selfie

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