Domain investors : Chinese “six figures” CNY is five figures USD

Chinese domain market report.

Chinese domain sales.

Domain investors often skim Chinese domain news headlines that read “six figures” and all that remains is the number part.

It’s a fast paced world, leading many to retain information that is shortened down to a headline, a tweet or a comment.

The Chinese domain market is currently much weaker than a year ago.

Domain sales of LLLL  .com domains in particular, but also LLL .com domains with “Chinese premium” letters, are down – both in volume, and in value.

So what does a headline about “six figures” really mean when it comes down to transactions that occurred in China?

An easy way to figure it out, is to divide that number by 10, then add half.

In other words, a domain sale of 100,000 CNY – the Chinese currency – is equal to approximately 15,000 USD.

By dividing the 100,000 number by 10 we get 10,000 and add half of it (5,000) for the total. Automatically, a “six figure” sale becomes five figures. 😉

It’s a simple, easy method to retain actual figures for domain sales that took place in China. Or use a currency converter for that task.

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