Log4shell is a newly discovered 0-day exploit causing havoc among system administrators on the internet; they are rushing to patch the security hole caused by a widely used software library.
The log4j library is being exploited by hackers in the wild, that have been able to issue a few remote commands in form fields to gain access to elevated status. The issue affected Minecraft and other gaming servers such as Steam, along with database environments and portals using the same software library.
Lunasec is a security company that identified the issue with the log4j library and has been offering solutions to mitigate and eliminate the security threats. Although they operate from the domain Lunasec.io they also registered the domain name Log4Shell.com.
This is a smart move as it creates a semi-official portal to find important information on an ongoing threat. On the web site at Log4Shell.com you can find a plethora of information and links to Lunasec’s services as well.
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