#Sedo : Domain sales report | September 3, 2024 — Fan.io sold for $50,000 dollars

Sedo domain sales report: Top sale is Fan.io that was sold for $50,000 dollars.

Welcome to the latest domain sales report by Sedo; this time we cover the week ending on September 3, 2024. This information has been provided by Sedo.com, kind sponsors of DomainGang.

The Sedo marketplace sells great domains 24/7 providing a great service.

This report contains 6 domains sold for five figures USD, as seen below – dot .com only:

oys.com 35000 USD
lnbt.com 12500 USD
endoteam.com 10299 USD
businessinbox.com 10000 USD
kchat.com 10000 USD
xoos.com 10000 USD

Sales prices are listed in USD and also in EUR or GBP, but are converted in USD for ranking purposes.

Further down the list, some solid sales of .com domain names, for amounts between $2,000 dollars and $9,999 dollars:

casamamma.com 7888 USD
bricspay.com 6500 USD
soventure.com 5000 USD
landable.com 5000 USD
capsum.com 5000 USD
strategicscaling.com 5000 USD
thetransportationlawyers.com 4999 USD
environmentalmonitors.com 4888 EUR
publichealthcommunication.com 4888 USD
amsterdamhotels.com 4750 EUR
fous.com 4000 USD
athomecareservices.com 3670 USD
euromatics.com 3500 EUR
lifenavi.com 3500 USD
alertwide.com 3299 USD
buddyio.com 2999 USD
skorpion.com 2800 USD
checkip.com 2600 EUR
adfound.com 2245 USD
elegantevents.com 2200 USD
patokbet.com 2000 EUR
ineedaminute.com 2000 USD
alpacafiber.com 2000 USD

This week’s Sedo sales report continues with reported ccTLD sales, with 3 domains sold in the five figure range:

fan.io 50000 USD
med.io 33684 EUR
smb.eu 12999 EUR
dealing.in 4900 USD
virtualworlds.eu 3999 EUR
blackwallstreet.eu 3950 EUR
glueckswerk.de 3500 EUR
2211.cc 3300 USD
beus.de 3000 EUR
ae.at 2900 EUR
laluna.eu 2599 EUR
mavy.de 2500 EUR
coldcall.de 2500 EUR
leasing-deals.de 2500 EUR
wolfszeit.de 2000 EUR
cinema.be 2000 EUR
brestadt.de 2000 EUR

Lastly, this week’s domain sales report from Sedo provides sales of other types of TLDs, with 1 domain sold in the five figure range.

fortlauderdale.org 15000 USD
dealing.org 3599 USD
chutes.org 3499 USD
isinfra.net 2888 USD

This concludes the latest domain sales report from our kind sponsor, Sedo.com.

Statement from Sedo: This public report does not include confidential sales many of which exceed the values of our publicly reported sales. Also, only public sales of 2,000 USD and up are included in this report.

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