Domain brokerage celebrates its 5th anniversary

It was 5 years ago today that formed as a quality-focused, boutique domain name brokerage.

Jeffrey Gabriel‘s vision of a professional platform that would liaison domain investors’ portfolios with end-user buyers became a reality.

From domain dreams to online success stories, has been on an incredible journey.

Last month, the company expanded its scope with the introduction of the Saw Platform, open to all sellers, both brokered and self-brokering.

Jeffrey Gabriel talked about the 5th anniversary of

Starting my own business was one of the scariest decisions I’ve ever made, but it was something I had always dreamed of. The past five years have been a journey full of incredible highs and some tough lows.

I often think back to what my physical therapist told me while I was rehabbing my shoulder: “Motion is lotion.” It’s a reminder to keep going, keep moving, and never give up.

I’m grateful for our amazing team, our families, our friends, and our clients who have believed in us every step of the way. Here’s to many more years!

Congratulations to the team! Head over to the Saw Marketplace.

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