Dummy.com: You’d be one, if you were to buy this domain on GoDaddy!

The domain name Dummy.com was registered in 1996 and its seller has chosen a novel way to present their asking price.

Dummy is a short dictionary word and one can get it for approximately $140,000 dollars using Escrow.com, according to the best option at Dummy.com.

This makes sense, as Escrow.com provides true escrow services along with low fees that can be paid by the seller, the buyer, or split between both parties.

Another option is Sedo, that provides hands-on transfer services and has a solid reputation as a domain exchange platform. It’s not a secret that Sedo charge 15% for sales of domains listed on its marketplace.

The last option is to use GoDaddy/Afternic.

The asking price is a whopping $187,364 dollars because GoDaddy has decided to be an ass towards anyone who lists on their marketplace but “dares” use a pair of DNS servers not controlled by them. GoDaddy’s greedy demand that such sales should trigger a shocking 25% in fees is absolutely preposterous.

Who’s the dummy here?

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