Tesla candy: Trademark applications snatched up by dubious domain investors

Tesla, Inc. is an electrical vehicle (EV) manufacturer and a corporation founded by Elon Musk, operating from the domain name Tesla.com that it paid millions of dollars to acquire.

With that in mind, Tesla is not just an electric vehicle manufacturer and this is obvious from four recent applications to register an equal number of trademarks with the USPTO.

The class they have in common: Candy.

That’s right, the type of sugar-loaded food that your liver hates to tolerate but your tongue loves to taste in mass quantities. In June, Tesla applied to register the following 4 marks:

  • Cyberberry
  • Mango Bolt
  • Dog Mode Chill
  • Supercharged Gummies

All these were applied for international class 030; Candy. The applications were filed in late June 2024 with an “intent to use” filing, which means that there are no products or services currently that match the marks.

However, the matching domains are taken. In particular:

  • SuperchargedGummies.com was registered in August 2023 and it resolves with a 403 error.
  • Cyberberry.com was registered in 2000 and it hosts a simple lander since at least 2015.
  • MangoBolt.com was registered on June 26 and is listed for sale at Dan with a $2,850 dollar BIN.
  • DogModeChill.com was registered on June 28 and is listed for sale at Dan with a $2,850 dollar BIN.

It’s interesting to point out that the apparent Chinese registrant of the Dan.com listings has 6,400 domains on Dan, per DomainTools.

The proximity of the trademark application filing and domain registration dates indicates that these domains were somehow fished out of a list of pending trademark registrations, a practice that can lead to legal trouble later on.

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