No, “Eric Jones” can’t be the real name of the arch-spammer that pitches a crappy service to thousands of web site forms and emails.
That jackass isn’t alone in this game, however.
Newbie spammer,, promotes databases of dubious quality using the same method, but with a nasty approach: they claim they are closing down due to Covid-19.
This despicable angle is promoted in emails with the following message about Best Local Data:
We at has been hit badly by Covid-19 and as a result is shutting down.
We provided the best data to companies to find their right customer base, we don’t want other companies to go down the same path we went and go out of business.
As a result we are providing our data till the end of the week at the lowest possible prices.
The domain was registered in March 2021 so really, can these spamming asswipes really be affected by Covid-19 and about to close down?
Don’t place a bet on this lame excuse. They’ve been doing this for a while. is registered with Dynadot and the domain uses the Cloudflare proxy DNS to cover its server locale. The latter is a popular service for the “Eric Jones” spammer as well.
If you have been spammed by contact and let them know.
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Idiots who are ready to buy someone else’s data for $99 deserve to be scammed.