A decade ago, Andrew Allemann of Domain Name Wire, launched a really cool project called DNW Certified Stats.
Which made sense, as the DNW brand operates on DNW.com, and he registered the domain DNWStats.com for this purpose.
The platform would certify domain statistics as an independent third party, in order to validate a domain owner’s claim of traffic stats.
That project lasted for a while, but by 2015 it was dead – much like domain parking revenue in general.
From then onward, the domain DNWStats.com was usurped by keyword spammers, that most likely tapped into existing traffic at the time. The screenshot from late 2015 is particularly disturbing:
The domain dropped and was re-registered several times since, and in its latest incarnation it ended up in the possession of a Chinese person, that’s forwarding it to a gambling portal called Raybet.
You can watch Andrew’s interview to Morgan Linton about the launch of DNW Certified Stats in 2010 – from that great domain era below:
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