If you place an offer on a domain selling platform, such as DAN.com, it is an indication of a true attempt to pay money in exchange for that domain. Note: DAN is an advertiser on DomainGang.
The domain acquisition process on DAN.com includes a notice that making offers are contractual obligations to follow up with payment, if the domain seller agrees.
The notice is as follows:
“I accept the Terms of Use of Dan.com and understand that my offer is legally binding if accepted by the seller.”
This makes sense to most people, but not to a “Joshua Tucker” who apparently decided to play around with numbers, then went ahead and left a bad review for DAN on Trustpilot:
Very quiet about legal agreements. The company had guidelines stating that no matter the price, you are legally bound to any offer you make even if it’s in attempted to lower the price to get an estimate. It’s funny how little they emphasize that it’s legally binding.
In other words, that guy seemed to believe than placing offers below the asking price is like testing the waters. A better example of how offers work is this: When you want to go to the 5th floor of a building, you can push the button that says “4” and the elevator will get you there. Pushing a different button forms a binding agreement between you and the elevator, even though you wanted to go one floor higher.
DAN responded in part thus:
To avoid users like you placing offers that they do not wish to honor which causes too much friction for everyone involved. We also email you a confirmation email to confirm the offer and in that email we repeat that all offers are binding when accepted by the seller. We can’t make it clearer than this. It seems you haven’t read the acceptance checkbox before submitting an offer, our email communication & our TOS which all make it clear that offers are binding at Dan.
Hopefully a lesson for an inexperienced domain buyer that enjoys pushing people’s buttons.
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So what Dan going to do when the buyers do not pay?
most of the buyers are fake anyway!!