The biggest volume of “meta domains” dropping is about to happen, as we are approaching December 2022.
Thousands of domains that contain “meta” are expired and the 35-45 day deletion cycle is ongoing. Many are expected to delete before Christmas, to make room for new domain registrations that will help massage Verisign data.

Meta Domains: Massive waste of money.
A year ago, thousands of “meta” domains were registered before and after Facebook rebranded as Meta. Mark Zuckerberg’s plan to create a metaverse usable by able-bodied users has failed. Most of us still hang out on Facebook with no 3D avatars, and prefer to share flat memes instead. The poop emoji still rules.
Domain investors holding onto meta domains are about to burn a big hole in their pockets; every word in the dictionary has been registered with a “meta” prefix.
“I wish I knew then what I know now,” says Harry Pappas, a domain investor from Chicago, Illinois. “That Mark is not going to give us a real metaverse, that spying by Meta continues, and that all my data and selfies are stored in a meta-server somewhere in California without any ability to delete! What a meta-f*cker!”
Pappas registered 1,240 “meta” domains, mostly .com, although he did splurge on .link, .org, and io. He’s about to dump the lot, almost a year after the massive registration.
“I’m making sure no automatic renewal is in place. It’s a pain in the ass to do that at GoDaddy but the worst part is having to remove them from Afternic and wait for the domain syndication to end. I don’t want to be associated with these money losers!”
At least, Afternic 2.0 did launch in the summer of 2022, making mass deletions of domains feasible.
Enjoy your Sweet Baby Rays.
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If it’s not sold by December 2022, I think you missed the boat. For things like this, I think it’s really down to FOMO. You load up and you unload just as quickly. Sure, you leave some chips on the table, but it could help care for your entire portfolio for a year or two. By December, you will know if you had made a mistake for not selling 10x for $100 “waiting for the right offer”. Just my opinion…