Deep domaining: New AI trained on .XYZ sales data

If you enjoy access to lots of big data, the truth might shock you: Deep domaining is almost here.

Domain industry pioneers, NameBio, are working on a new deep learning AI for domain name sales.

Code-named “NameGears AI” the project digs into sales data from the top 10 domain sellers of all time. This data is compared against Afternic, Sedo, and Dan sales data using a shocking method: access to personal bank accounts.

“It’s not that we don’t trust you, it’s that we need to verify your data to ensure the data purity of our deep learning AI,” said NameBio in a press release.

“By accessing your domain sales directly at the source we ensure NameBio and the new NameGears API is trained on real world data, not some imaginary or massaged domain sales that never took place,” adds NameBio.

Currently, the NameGears AI is being trained on sales data provided by Swetha, an Indian domain investor breaking every .XYZ sales record in existence.

With almost 200 sales at Afternic alone, Swetha’s sales genius is believed to hold the key to the success of many domain investors who have pushed their life’s savings into .XYZ, .io, .ai, and other TLDs that aren’t .com.

“Swetha is scoring one .XYZ sale after another and that’s great for her bank account but is the data legit? The truth might or might not shock you, depending on whether you have access to the accounts involved, as we did!” said NameBio in a statement.

Overall, the domain industry is doing surprisingly well in 2022 and last year, 2021, is expected to be an even better if not stellar year in domain sales worldwide; the introduction of NameGears by NameBio is expected to confirm exactly that.

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One Response to “Deep domaining: New AI trained on .XYZ sales data”
  1. BullS says:

    Narendra Modi is sure proud of you…..

    India will be using xyz now

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