Domains: It’s Donald vs. Kamala

There has been no US election in recent memory more evenly split among its party voters; unless of course one used the chad ballots in Florida in 2000 as a reference point.

Whether you support Donald Trump or Kamala Harris as the next US president, one thing is certain: Politicians aren’t royalty, they are here to serve an entire nation, its interests, and its people.

The US candidates’ official web sites are more or less known; Donald J. Trump is at while Kamala Harris rolls out her presidential campaign at

Both web sites serve as a means of engaging with the voters and also to collect donations. Each candidate commands tens of millions of dollars in donations every election year so the efficiency of collecting money is part of the political game in the US.

There are two domains that aren’t used by either candidate but under certain circumstances they might be made available. is one, registered in 1995.

Donald is not an uncommon first name and if you’re a Disney fan it’s also the name of its notoriously censored “angry” character, Donald Duck. appears to have been made available for sale in recent months and it’s under brokerage:


Meanwhile, the domain was registered in 1995, almost 3 weeks before

Kamala is a Sanskrit word meaning lotus and is used as a feminine given name in Indian culture. The domain is being used by Dana Brown, a Barrington, Illinois perfumery and aromatherapy entrepreneur; she was given the moniker “Kamala” by her father.

So there you have it: The two presidential candidates’ first names as a .com include a “for sale” domain and one that could be for sale, given the right amount of money.

For now, the domain will be seeking its obvious buyer while hosts and operates an established business all while enjoying a great jump in type-in traffic. 😊

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