Got balls?
Gotta love the entrepreneurial spirit and marketing audacity of Francois Carrillo – multi-platform domainer extraordinaire!
In his latest “teaser” post via Domaining.com, Francois is looking for domain bidders “with balls” to outbid him as he’s placing a $300 bid for Fighting.co
So far only one domainer – apparently sporting a big, heavy pair of “cojones” – has placed a bid higher than Francois.
Somehow, we doubt any female domainers will be taking him up to the challenge but at least he increased the number of eyeballs on that domain auction!

Francois is looking to see if you have balls!
Yes, it’s maybe a bit direct but its’ the idea, wake up investors!
Sometimes people have gold in front their noise and don’t see it.
This name is pure gold at the price currently sold.
Smart marketing, Francois
It paid off – someone bought it for $750.