It appears that today’s news of Bido exiting the domain auction market has hit a nerve with domainers worldwide, as yet another sign of a ‘bad economy‘.
Sahar Sarid’s decision and subsequent announcement to close down the Bido platform was received as “shock and awe” by the domain media.
Hank Alvarez, involved in an embezzlement scandal of massive proportions is apparently selling his web site, and is getting ready to leave the country and embark on an oriental-bound sabbatical.
It is not yet clear whether the news of a $33 million lawsuit brought against him by former employer, Oversee, played any role in his hasty decision to leave the domaining business. It is doubtful that he will be missed.
Read more at the web site of Hank Alvarez,
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I hope he slips off a cliff and the Yeti eats him!
“Hank Alvarez,… is apparently selling his web site, …”
Yes and he is going to be selling it by auction so be careful.
Stephan, do you believe in the Easter Bunny as well?
Tricolorro – he should have auctioned it on Bido
Hank Alvarez is my hero. I even have a life-size poster of him on my wall. I mean, how can you not admire a guy who pulled the wool over so many domainers’ eyes like that? Kudos to Hank. I raise my glass to you, my friend. Salut!
Folks, if you’d like to join the Official Halvarez Fan Club, please visit for more information. There is no content on the site as the domain has not yet been registered, but visit the site anyway. Thanks!