List of country code (ccTLD) #domains representing computer intelligence and tech acronyms

Countries, sovereign states, and autonomous territories use assigned ccTLDs, derived from ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.

Every country was assigned a ccTLD sooner or later; dot .us was the first one.

Google considers a subset of ccTLDs as “generic” in the sense that domains under that list appear in global vs. localized searches. In 2023, dot .ai was added to the list, due to the extended appeal of .ai domains representing the “artificial intelligence” acronym.

Word on the streets has it that due to Microsoft acquiring a .si domain,, somehow dot .si is the next hot ccTLD as the acronym for “super intelligence.” We are not convinced, however it was an opportunity to research and rewrite every ccTLD out there, representing intelligence and technology terms of the 2020s! 🙂

Here is the list:

1 .ac – Ascension Island – Algorithm Computation
2 .ad – Andorra – Advanced Data
3 .ae – United Arab Emirates – Artificial Engineering
4 .af – Afghanistan – Artificial Framework
5 .ag – Antigua and Barbuda – Autonomous Generation
6 .ai – Anguilla – Artificial Intelligence
7 .al – Albania – Algorithm Learning
8 .am – Armenia – Automated Machine
9 .ao – Angola – Algorithm Optimization
10 .aq – Antarctica – Algorithm Query
11 .ar – Argentina – Augmented Reality
12 .as – American Samoa – Autonomous Systems
13 .at – Austria – Automated Technology
14 .au – Australia – Autonomous Unit
15 .aw – Aruba – Autonomous Workflow
16 .ax – Åland Islands – Algorithm Exchange
17 .az – Azerbaijan – AI Zone
18 .ba – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Big Analytics
19 .bb – Barbados – Blockchain Base
20 .bd – Bangladesh – Big Data
21 .be – Belgium – Binary Engine
22 .bf – Burkina Faso – Binary Framework
23 .bg – Bulgaria – Bot Generation
24 .bh – Bahrain – Binary Hub
25 .bi – Burundi – Binary Intelligence
26 .bj – Benin – Blockchain Junction
27 .bl – Saint Barthélemy – Bot Learning
28 .bm – Bermuda – Bot Management
29 .bn – Brunei – Binary Network
30 .bo – Bolivia – Binary Operation
31 .bq – Caribbean Netherlands – Binary Quantum
32 .br – Brazil – Bot Regulation
33 .bs – Bahamas – Bot Systems
34 .bt – Bhutan – Bot Technology
35 .bv – Bouvet Island – Bot Vision
36 .bw – Botswana – Bot Workflow
37 .by – Belarus – Binary Yield
38 .bz – Belize – Bot Zone
39 .ca – Canada – Cognitive Automation
40 .cc – Cocos (Keeling) Islands – Computational Core
41 .cd – Democratic Republic of the Congo – Cloud Data
42 .cf – Central African Republic – Computational Framework
43 .cg – Republic of the Congo – Cognitive Grid
44 .ch – Switzerland – Computational Hub
45 .ci – Côte d’Ivoire – Cognitive Intelligence
46 .ck – Cook Islands – Computational Knowledge
47 .cl – Chile – Cloud Learning
48 .cm – Cameroon – Computational Models
49 .cn – China – Cognitive Network
50 .co – Colombia – Computational Optimization
51 .cr – Costa Rica – Cognitive Research
52 .cu – Cuba – Computational Utility
53 .cv – Cape Verde – Computer Vision
54 .cw – Curaçao – Computational Workflow
55 .cx – Christmas Island – Computational Exchange
56 .cy – Cyprus – Cyber Yield
57 .cz – Czech Republic – Computational Zone
58 .de – Germany – Data Engineering
59 .dj – Djibouti – Data Junction
60 .dk – Denmark – Data Knowledge
61 .dm – Dominica – Data Management
62 .do – Dominican Republic – Data Optimization
63 .dz – Algeria – Data Zone
64 .ec – Ecuador – Electronic Computation
65 .ee – Estonia – Electronic Engineering
66 .eg – Egypt – Electronic Grid
67 .er – Eritrea – Electronic Response
68 .es – Spain – Electronic Systems
69 .et – Ethiopia – Efficient Technology
70 .fi – Finland – Framework Intelligence
71 .fj – Fiji – Framework Junction
72 .fk – Falkland Islands – Framework Knowledge
73 .fm – Federated States of Micronesia – Framework Management
74 .fo – Faroe Islands – Framework Optimization
75 .fr – France – Framework Research
76 .ga – Gabon – Grid Automation
77 .gb – United Kingdom – General Bot
78 .gd – Grenada – Grid Data
79 .ge – Georgia – Grid Engineering
80 .gf – French Guiana – Grid Framework
81 .gg – Guernsey – Grid Generation
82 .gh – Ghana – Grid Hub
83 .gi – Gibraltar – Grid Intelligence
84 .gl – Greenland – Grid Learning
85 .gm – The Gambia – Grid Management
86 .gn – Guinea – Grid Network
87 .gp – Guadeloupe – Grid Processing
88 .gq – Equatorial Guinea – Grid Quantum
89 .gr – Greece – Grid Regulation
90 .gs – South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands – Grid Systems
91 .gt – Guatemala – Grid Technology
92 .gu – Guam – Grid Utility
93 .gw – Guinea-Bissau – Grid Workflow
94 .gy – Guyana – Grid Yield
95 .hk – Hong Kong – Hybrid Knowledge
96 .hm – Heard Island and McDonald Islands – Hybrid Models
97 .hn – Honduras – Hybrid Network
98 .hr – Croatia – Human Resources
99 .ht – Haiti – Hybrid Technology
100 .hu – Hungary – Hybrid Unit
101 .id – Indonesia – Intelligent Data
102 .ie – Ireland – Intelligent Engineering
103 .il – Israel – Intelligent Learning
104 .im – Isle of Man – Intelligent Machine
105 .in – India – Intelligent Network
106 .io – British Indian Ocean Territory – Input Output
107 .iq – Iraq – Intelligent Query
108 .ir – Iran – Intelligent Robotics
109 .is – Iceland – Intelligent Systems
110 .it – Italy – Information Technology
111 .je – Jersey – Joint Engineering
112 .jm – Jamaica – Joint Machine
113 .jo – Jordan – Joint Operation
114 .jp – Japan – Joint Processing
115 .ke – Kenya – Knowledge Engineering
116 .kg – Kyrgyzstan – Knowledge Grid
117 .kh – Cambodia – Knowledge Hub
118 .ki – Kiribati – Knowledge Intelligence
119 .km – Comoros – Knowledge Machine
120 .kn – Saint Kitts and Nevis – Knowledge Network
121 .kp – North Korea – Knowledge Processing
122 .kr – South Korea – Knowledge Regulation
123 .kw – Kuwait – Knowledge Workflow
124 .ky – Cayman Islands – Key Yield
125 .kz – Kazakhstan – Knowledge Zone
126 .la – Laos – Learning Algorithms
127 .lb – Lebanon – Learning Bot
128 .lc – Saint Lucia – Learning Computation
129 .li – Liechtenstein – Learning Intelligence
130 .lk – Sri Lanka – Learning Kernel
131 .lr – Liberia – Learning Robotics
132 .ls – Lesotho – Learning Systems
133 .lt – Lithuania – Learning Technology
134 .lu – Luxembourg – Learning Utility
135 .lv – Latvia – Learning Vector
136 .ly – Libya – Learning Yield
137 .ma – Morocco – Machine Automation
138 .mc – Monaco – Machine Computation
139 .md – Moldova – Machine Data
140 .me – Montenegro – Machine Engineering
141 .mf – Saint Martin – Machine Framework
142 .mg – Madagascar – Machine Grid
143 .mh – Marshall Islands – Machine Hub
144 .mk – North Macedonia – Machine Knowledge
145 .ml – Mali – Machine Learning
146 .mm – Myanmar – Machine Management
147 .mn – Mongolia – Machine Network
148 .mo – Macau – Machine Optimization
149 .mp – Northern Mariana Islands – Machine Processing
150 .mq – Martinique – Machine Quantum
151 .mr – Mauritania – Machine Research
152 .ms – Montserrat – Machine Systems
153 .mt – Malta – Machine Technology
154 .mu – Mauritius – Machine Utility
155 .mv – Maldives – Machine Vision
156 .mw – Malawi – Machine Workflow
157 .mx – Mexico – Machine
158 .my – Malaysia – Machine Yield
159 .mz – Mozambique – Machine Zone
160 .na – Namibia – Neural Algorithms
161 .nc – New Caledonia – Neural Computation
162 .ne – Niger – Neural Engineering
163 .nf – Norfolk Island – Neural Framework
164 .ng – Nigeria – Neural Grid
165 .ni – Nicaragua – Neural Intelligence
166 .nl – Netherlands – Neural Learning
167 .no – Norway – Neural Optimization
168 .np – Nepal – Neural Processing
169 .nr – Nauru – Neural Robotics
170 .nu – Niue – Neural Unit
171 .nz – New Zealand – Neural Zone
172 .om – Oman – Optimization Machine
173 .pa – Panama – Processing Algorithms
174 .pe – Peru – Processing Engineering
175 .pf – French Polynesia – Processing Framework
176 .pg – Papua New Guinea – Processing Grid
177 .ph – Philippines – Processing Hub
178 .pk – Pakistan – Processing Knowledge
179 .pl – Poland – Processing Learning
180 .pm – Saint Pierre and Miquelon – Processing Models
181 .pn – Pitcairn Islands – Processing Network
182 .pr – Puerto Rico – Processing Research
183 .ps – Palestine – Processing Systems
184 .pt – Portugal – Processing Technology
185 .pw – Palau – Processing Workflow
186 .py – Paraguay – Processing Yield
187 .qa – Qatar – Quantum Algorithms
188 .re – Réunion – Robotic Engineering
189 .ro – Romania – Robotic Optimization
190 .rs – Serbia – Robotic Systems
191 .ru – Russia – Robotic Unit
192 .rw – Rwanda – Robotic Workflow
193 .sa – Saudi Arabia – Smart Algorithms
194 .sb – Solomon Islands – Smart Bot
195 .sc – Seychelles – Smart Computation
196 .sd – Sudan – Smart Data
197 .se – Sweden – Smart Engineering
198 .sg – Singapore – Smart Grid
199 .sh – Saint Helena – System Hub
200 .si – Slovenia – Smart Intelligence
201 .sk – Slovakia – Smart Knowledge
202 .sl – Sierra Leone – Smart Learning
203 .sm – San Marino – Smart Machine
204 .sn – Senegal – Smart Network
205 .so – Somalia – Smart Optimization
206 .sr – Suriname – System Regulation
207 .ss – South Sudan – System Security
208 .st – São Tomé and Príncipe – Smart Technology
209 .sv – El Salvador – Secure Verification
210 .sx – Sint Maarten – Secure Exchange
211 .sy – Syria – System Yield
212 .sz – Eswatini – System Zone
213 .tc – Turks and Caicos Islands – Technology Computation
214 .td – Chad – Text Data
215 .tf – French Southern and Antarctic Lands – Technology Framework
216 .tg – Togo – Technology Grid
217 .th – Thailand – Technology Hub
218 .tj – Tajikistan – Technology Junction
219 .tk – Tokelau – Technology Knowledge
220 .tl – Timor-Leste – Technology Learning
221 .tm – Turkmenistan – Technology Machine
222 .tn – Tunisia – Technology Network
223 .to – Tonga – Technology Optimization
224 .tr – Turkey – Technology Research
225 .tt – Trinidad and Tobago – Technology Transfer
226 .tv – Tuvalu – Technology Vision
227 .tz – Tanzania – Technology Zone
228 .ua – Ukraine – Utility Algorithms
229 .ug – Uganda – Utility Grid
230 .uk – United Kingdom – Utility Knowledge
231 .us – United States – Utility Systems
232 .uy – Uruguay – Utility Yield
233 .uz – Uzbekistan – Utility Zone
234 .va – Vatican City – Virtual Algorithms
235 .vc – Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Virtual Computation
236 .ve – Venezuela – Virtual Engineering
237 .vg – British Virgin Islands – Virtual Gateway
238 .vi – U.S. Virgin Islands – Virtual Intelligence
239 .vn – Vietnam – Virtual Network
240 .vu – Vanuatu – Virtual Utility
241 .wf – Wallis and Futuna – Workflow Framework
242 .ws – Samoa – Web Systems
243 .ye – Yemen – Yield Engineering
244 .yt – Mayotte – Yield Technology
245 .za – South Africa – Zone Algorithms
246 .zm – Zambia – Zone Machine
247 .zw – Zimbabwe – Zone Workflow

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