: #Domain dropped years after registrant’s death is currently in a drop auction at DropCatch, and we investigated why this original 1997 registration expired and dropped.

The domain was renewed in 2009 for a full 10 years – a year after the death of its registrant, Denver inventor and TenDix LLC founder, Timber Dick.

In April 2008, Timber Dick lost his life in a car accident, and we can assume that the domain name was either on automatic renewal at GoDaddy, or someone at his estate renewed it for 10 years the following year.

Either way, that decade passed and in 2019 it was renewed for a year, before finally dropping in April.

It’s unfortunate that was once in the possession of an entrepreneur who passed; Timber Dick’s other domain,, was somehow renewed for a year and it’s listed for sale at GoDaddy. – Jonathan van den Broek on Unsplash

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