Nikola Tesla intends to reclaim the #domain name #Tesla dot .com

Nikola Tesla, the Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system is still alive.

The popular inventor stepped out of his secret cryogenic vault in New York on Sunday morning, making headlines among the NY newspapers and magazines.

Wearing a simple working man’s outfit from the 1940s, Nikola Tesla made this statement to the press:

“After years of solitude in a suspended state inside a cryogenic machine that I invented, I am back to restore my name as the father of electricity, and to reclaim my premium domain,”

In recent days, Tesla Motors founder, Elon Musk, revealed that his company paid $11 million dollars for the domain That transaction will now be challenged by Nikola Tesla, who is considering drastic measures against the billionaire’s company.

“My name cannot be associated with accident-prone vehicles that run on DC power, my AC powering gyroscopic transformer is the only way for sustainable energy – this is why it’s important to get things straight at,” said Nikola Tesla, adding: “Elon Musk is the great-great-grandnephew of my arch-nemesis, Thomas Edison, and justice shall prevail.”

Thousands of Nikola Tesla supporters from around the world are now expecting a war to erupt between the “resurrected” inventor and the man who wants to send people to Mars.

Watch this video below for what’s coming up next:

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