MERGE! 2017 takes place in Orlando, Florida between October 14-18; the multi-discipline conference will be attracting a wide range of professionals from several important industries.
Focusing on domain name investing, brand creation and marketing, Internet law and entrepreneurial convergence, MERGE! 2017 will present the combined intellect and professional knowledge of as many as 65 speakers.
“With MERGE! our approach has been to present great amounts of information, and our speakers will take care of that,” said MERGE! co-founder, Jothan Frakes.
“The room will be full of speakers awaiting their turn, as another speaker would be at the panel or the podium, but that’s the greatness of this industry, we’re yuge!” added Frakes, smiling under his trademark goatee.
Indeed, a busy schedule and conference agenda is already being processed by the smart phones, tablets and oversized laptop computers of the attendees.
“Using Sched has been an absolute blessing for our conference and industry,” said Jothan Frakes, adding: “Back in the days of Domainfest, we had to use multi-colored stickers on the wall to achieve the same effect. Until someone used superglue and we could not move the tiles around.”
If you’re heading out to MERGE! 2017 in Orlando, look out for the ginormous DomainGang booth. We’ll have the most buxom ladies, putting even the GoDaddy’s Super Bowl commercials to shame, so come and say hello.
Remember: During the event, manspreading is strictly prohibited.
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Hide the superglue! lol