Rick Latona competitor launches new minisite firm: WZGJC.com

In the aftershock caused by Rick Latona‘s pullout from the minisite development market, a new company – led by former ally and bitter competitor, Mince Hoke, has launched a similar service.

The company is called WZGJC.com – and while still in beta it’s already accepting orders from panicked domainers who have been using the services of Latona’s AEIOU.com.

We attempted to speak to Mince – a pimply 24 year old from Queens, NY – who is best known for “mass domain development” and “black hat domain SEO“, along with “celebrity domainer name-dropping” but the company phone was disconnected.

Instead, Mince sent us several messages on twitter, which we put together, attempting to form a meaningful conversation:

“LOLz u clownz. i got so many orders from Latona’s clients…it’s no joke. All I have to do is contact my WordPress team in Shanghai & they produce dazzling results. U idiots waste ur time on twitter flirting and shit and i rake in tons of money LOLz.”

Several years ago, Mince allegedly hit gold after selling his grandma’s jewelry after she passed away; including her set of golden teeth. With that money, he bought several domains of up-and-coming porn starlets, mostly from the Tampa/Miami area, which he resold later, under the threat of UDRP’s.

Nowadays, Mince delves in “mass development for domainers” and attempts to master WordPress as a publishing medium.

“wtf idiot. i toldz you i made more money than you can think of from that portfolio sale. fool. i have connections. frank and rick and kevin are my homies, i burn $100 bills for fun, biatch. want my portfolio? i’ve no time for that u clownz…wtf…”

Asked what are the plans with WZGJC – which allegedly stands for Web Zoo Graphics & Jewish Communications – Mince wasn’t coherent enough to respond, bursting instead in a flood of Tourette’s that we cannot possibly publish in this electronic family magazine.

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12 Responses to “Rick Latona competitor launches new minisite firm: WZGJC.com”
  1. Dietmar says:

    It seems that you did not visit WZGJC.com



  2. Brilliant! And timely. I usually get halfway through before realizing the absurdity I’m reading is the work of DomainGang (when I land here from my feed reader).

  3. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Dietmar, I tip my hat to you, sir. Very well taken opportunity 😀

    Aaron, thanks for the compliment; all of the stories are “hand typed” 😀

  4. Mark Fulton says:

    Been waiting for this post.

    If you’re reading this Mike, you’ve got some good business ideas, but I hope you take away the moral of the story… insulting your readers and blatant unprofessionalism will not take you very far.

  5. I see what you did there, “Guns” 😛

  6. This “Mince” guy can’t be real, can he? Is there really someone who talks like this in this industry and still gets work?

  7. Happy Customer says:

    I have used Mince’s services, and I must say he is a true SEO expert. He was able to get my high competition domains such as ArtworkCreatedInFranceButSoldInItaly.com to the 4th page of Yahoo when the exact term is searched! It doesn’t show up in any other search engines yet, but it’s such a highly searched term, with almost 1 exact search per month. I’m really glad he convinced me this would be a good investment!

  8. andy kelly says:

    HMM I already put in an order for 2000 mini sites with these guys n theyre not replying to my emails !!!

    “DomainGang.com is pure madness!”

  9. Mark Fulton says:

    Stephen, apparently you don’t wanna develop lately?

    This post is a well deserved jab at Mike Cohen. 😀

  10. Some work Mince did for me this year.


    I’m not going to endorse the guy, but I think his work speaks for itself. I know what you’re thinking, but so what if he has a bold flash banner on the home page of my personal blog, which just so happens to sit right underneath my own name. And yes, I defend his reputation any time that he gets called out, so what. And yeah, I did clip his toenails for him that one time, but he was sick. I’d probably even make love to him if we were stranded on a deserted island, but that’s never going to happen. My point is, I don’t think he’s getting a fair deal here, and I’m as neutral in all this as you are.

    I would like to see some of your so-called “development work” Lucius.

  11. BullS says:

    Yea…he did my site called BullShitWebsites.com

  12. Dietmar says:

    We are very happy, that Mince Hoke decided to join our team.
    This will boost our business to the next level.
    Stay tuned!


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