A Tucows #domain asset in decline

Ruble, the Russian Federation’s national currency, existed since the 14th century but became a circulating coin in 1704.

It was replaced by the Soviet ruble (Code SUR, 1917 – 1991) which was then replaced by the modern ruble (RUR) in 1993. In 1998, the ruble was swapped for a newer version, in an 1:1000 exchange that was given the current code of RUB.

Due to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia, an aggressive act of war, a global response staged financial measures and restrictions to the Russian economy. As a result, the Russian ruble began its trading today with a substantial loss to the US dollar, the Euro, and other currencies.

Meanwhile, the domain name is an asset of Tucows. Registered in 1996, the domain points to a Tucows lander that indicates the domain can be acquired: is one of many name-based domains in the Tucows-owned portfolio that make up the RealNames service. If you have any questions about this domain name or website, please email

How did Tucows acquire the domain name

According to Wikipedia, in June 2006 Tucows paid $18 million to purchase Inc, a company that owned over 17,000 domain names for common surnames, among them

In recent days, Elliot Noss, CEO of Tucows, made public an email sent to business partners inquiring about existing affiliation with recipients of funds in Russia.

In our opinion, if were worth X prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it’s worth a fraction thereof now.

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