Would you like to buy a vowel – or three? James Booth of Phenom.com announced the acquisition of EAI.com, a domain registered in 1993.
This all vowel LLL .com has been in the possession of mega-corporation Siemens, since at least 2007. That’s when the German corporation acquired UGS Corp., a provider of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software and services for a whopping $3.5 billion dollars. In 2000, UGS had acquired EAI (Engineering Animation) and its domain name, for $205 million in cash.
The transaction is so recent that the domain WHOIS hasn’t been updated yet, but James Booth shared the news of its acquisition:
“Huge Acquisition – eAi.com Artificial Intelligence is growing rapidly!”
We can only speculate on the cost to acquire EAI.com in the domain aftermarket, but as it’s now listed on Afternic for at least $100,000 dollars, we can assume it was sold for mid to high five figures.
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