If you acquire or register domain names, there’s one thing that has to be recycled or thrown away: packaging.
Millions of domains get registered every year, arriving in a box whose dimensions vary depending on the domain Registrar of your choice.
Some domains are packed tightly in tiny boxes, others come in several nested boxes with additional material such as instructions of use, promotional leaflets and so on.
After the first couple hundred domains things can get really crazy – if you don’t throw away the boxes.
For domain investor Miltus Spolski from Peoria, Illinois, it was the end of sanity line. Four hundred and sixty seven domains later, it was about time to empty the garage.
“My wife told me to either clean up and throw away all of the domain boxes, or use them to pack up my clothes and leave the house,” said Miltus Spolski, who also collects Lego figurines.
“I saved all the wrapping, commercial brochures, and the boxes of every domain I registered since 2009, and my garage is 3/4 full with that stuff,” said Spolski, adding: “I was told I can keep my man card once the garage is clean, so I did. It was painful to throw away wrapping from Fabulous, GoDaddy, Name.com, Uniregistry and even Registerfly.”
With 2021 mere days away, it’s about time to clean up your garage, your living room, and the attic from your accumulated domain boxes. Check under the bed and between the couch pillows for other domain garbage that might have ended there.
You’ll thank us later.
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