If you’re hung like a horse and own domain names, Studvention is coming!
Rick Schwartz‘s secret domain conference for big @@ers is around the corner, to be launched from two domains, Studvention.com and Stud.com.
“Folks, why hide your family jewels, be proud of what you got and swing by for a fun party among other big-game domainers,” said Rick Schwartz earlier today.
“I am finally putting Stud.com to good use after I turned down with a flat “No” about 240 offers totaling $1.2 billion dollars,” said the Domain King, adding: “My logo shows exactly what we’ll be doing here, pay attention!”
If you have some big domains to swing with, let Rick know.
Ladies, you’re very much welcome.
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Rick does have a history with XXX URL investing. So risque makes sense.
Shrimp as big as your fist!
(which might depend on the size of your fist, if you’re into that sort of thing)
Hello Lucius,
Love your style of Humor , Lookng forward to meeting you.
JAS 7/30/2021
– ( OCCAM’s RAZOR ) –