You took a bathroom break | | was already registered. | |
Balloon boy did not need to be saved after all. | |
Million dollar homepage went bankrupt two years ago, that lying bastard did not eat Toby and bonsai kitty never breathed from a straw in a jar. |
*hiccup* that *hiccup* reg *buuuuurp* was a *hiccup* drunk *burp* reg | |
Someone stole the idea while you excitedly posted about the discovery on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. | |
Ooops. .TEL cannot be parked. | |
You decided nobody is going to buy hamster sweaters, pet keyboards or pinwheels for big breasted women. | |
For the third time this week you fell asleep during GoDaddy’s checkout process. | |
Hank Alvarez upped the minimum registration to 100 years. |
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