Former encryption software domain sold for $82,500 dollars

TrueCrypt was an open-source disk encryption software that allowed users to create encrypted volumes on their storage devices. It provided on-the-fly encryption, meaning data was automatically encrypted and decrypted as it was read or written. TrueCrypt supported full-disk encryption, hidden volumes, and plausibly deniable encryption.

In May 2014, the project was abruptly discontinued, with its developers citing security concerns and recommending users switch to alternatives like BitLocker. However, no major vulnerabilities were publicly disclosed at the time, leading to speculation about government pressure or legal issues. Independent audits later found some flaws but nothing substantially catastrophic.

In a non-shocking twist, the domain name that was used by the project expired and dropped, losing its 2003 registration date. The ensuing auction at DropCatch (no surprise there!) attracted numerous bids for this domain that possesses strong SEO juice.

Eventually the auction for closed at $82,500 dollars with DropCatch account “XueHaTa” winning it.

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