Untied.com is a Canadian web site and an anagram of United; for that purpose, it provides information about nefarious activities related to the airline.
For almost 20 years, Untied.com has collected and shared complaints about United Airlines and its practices.
Untied.com predates United Airline’s own United.com web site by almost two years. In 2012, following the merger of Continental and United, a lawsuit was filed against the operators of Untied.com.
A recent court order in Ottawa, Canada, declined to hand over the Untied.com domain to the airline.
Unfortunately, that same court ruled that the Untied.com web site is infringing on the copyright and trademark rights of United, and Untied.com can only be kept if it terminates its current activities.
For full coverage of the issue, head over to Untied.com.
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