Imagine being sued due to the incompetence of the plaintiff to do their job properly.
That’s exactly what is happening with a new lawsuit coming against YouTube from broadcast giant Viacom.
YouTube is seeking protection under the provision of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) that ensures safe harbor against lawsuits for content created by end-users.
The juice is elsewhere: Viacom’s guilty of grand incompetence, having failed to follow a marketing strategy with regards to content which they uploaded themselves on YouTube!
In other words, Viacom uploaded videos they are now suing YouTube for, or less than two hundreds of one percent of the 500 million videos currently on YouTube.
Ok. So we had to whip out the calculator for this one, two hundreds of one percent is 100,000 videos.
Oops. That’s quite a number actually. In fact, the lawsuit alleges that 79,000 videos depicting mainly football (soccer) clips from Premiere League are all over YouTube.
Come on, Viacom, let us US-bound Europeans enjoy some footie clips on YouTube for Christ’s sake!
In all seriousness, the lengthy response of the YouTube attorneys show that the game is about to get hotter, what with World Cup 2010 fever approaching.
Anybody said “gooooooaaaaaaalllll” yet? 😀
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