On March 4th, the auction of the domain name MedicalRecordseReview.com closed at a whopping $68,500 dollars, as reported by NameBio.
That’s a sizable result, even for DropCatch where the auction took place. Since then, the domain’s WHOIS has not been updated. The domain MedicalRecordseReview.com points to the standard lander that DropCatch displays while payment is pending.
Considering that payments must be made within 4 days of the auction’s end, it’s quite possible that the auction’s winner failed to make payment on time.
There are some exceptions, obviously, and after careful consideration DropCatch might extend the time needed to submit payment, but it’s been 3 weeks already. Typically, DropCatch sends the unpaid domain back to auction, after removing the deadbeat bidder and all of their bids, lowering any active bids below that first bid.
We won’t be surprised if MedicalRecordseReview.com goes back to auction in the coming days, which means that the recorded sales price would have to be removed from NameBio.
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