DNJournal reported that Barns.com sold for a whopping $175,000 in a private transaction.
That’s fine and dandy, so what is the catch?
If you visit Barns.com you’ll see what the problem is.
It appears that the buyer of Barns.com – a North Carolina hick by the name of Jeremiah Johnson or JJ for short – spent about $175 on a pathetic CGI script and runs his investment on it.
Aren’t domainers the biggest penny pinchers around?
Copyright © 2024 DomainGang.com · All Rights Reserved.If you’re looking for web development solutions that offer scalability and content control, contact Tia Wood at TiaWood.com
Maybe his google alert will go off… he’ll hit your post here,
and give Tia a call.
Maybe, also — the current site is temporary.
Or maybe, also — you got it right in your post.
PS: I thought of a good DomainGang post the other day… you might want to email me 😀
I must be missing something here… The guy is selling barns for christ’s sake.
Penny pinchers ? You mean the guy who spent $175k on a domain? 🙂
Guy buys best domain for selling barns. Guy puts up a site selling barns and I’m sure he’s now busy selling barns too.
Adam, the guy who spent $175k on a domain has a shitty web site that runs off a “$175” script. That’s what penny pinching means: splurging on the non-obvious and being thrifty on the necessities.
What’s that say about sites on (free) Word Press script ? 🙂
Domains are long term investments, design/coding can be modified over time as it works or doesn’t. I get the point of the post but I really wouldn’t call it pinching. If you buy land on the beach (the domain) and just put up a shack while you save your coconuts, you still can go surfing every day. 🙂
I agree, but let’s just say that the timing of the press release about the sale and the web site content being several notches under par was unfortunate.
First off, I had the unfortunate experience to know Mr. Johnson. He is an overwieght HS dropout who lives on his grandmothers money and in her modest apartments in a little town of Sparta, NC. He drives a Mercedes S.U.V (which he makes payments on 😉 ) and spend most of his time running up his credit card bills and chasing underage boys on his laptop. It was a private sell (Has anybody seen the cashiers check? lol) ? I honestly think its all smoke and mirrors just like himself and his white trash family. Mama lives in a double-wide on blocks. That money should have been spent to repair her va-J-J, after having to push his basketball head thru OR the scar it left across his face.