Duped by a prank: Backiink.com did not cost $1,000,000 to acquire

The domain name BackLINK.com was not sold for $1,000,000 dollars; our coverage of that event has been removed as inaccurate. Ilias Ism, co-founder of MagicSpace SEO, a marketing agency in Switzerland, announced the supposed acquisition of what appeared to be the aforementioned domain. The fact is, that no such acquisition took place—instead, Mr. Ism hand-registered […]

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Backlink.com acquired for $1,000,000 dollars

Ilias Ism, co-founder of Swiss marketing agency MagicSpace, announced the acquisition of the domain name Backlink.com. The cost: $1,000,000 dollars. It was well-worth it, according to Mr. Ism, who compared the spending to owning a house in Switzerland. It’s not clear when Backlink.com changed hands, or whether it was paid for in full. Registered in […]

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