Daryl says: Damn it, I was wrong !

Daryl says: I was damn wrong!

Well damn, damn, damn, domainers!

It’s one of these days that I will admit it, beer in hand: I was damn wrong.

Damn it!

OK, so the other day I told you that I don’t give a damn about Apple’s iPhone, iPad and other iCrap devices tracking my every move.

It seems that I should have been drinking a little bit less.

Not only has my girlfriend found out that I was at a strip club on Easter Sunday by perusing my iPhone-stored data, but I’m about to lose a bunch of money as well.

How so?

Simple: some clever schmuck from New York and another from Florida, are suing Apple for invasion of privacy.

How the heck did I not think of that before? I should have done it first. Now, it’s too late – I’ll be out of both a girlfriend *and* a boatload of money.

Oh well. At least I have a fridge full of beer to keep me company.

Later, domainers!
~Daryl the Drunk Domainer

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