Austrian Domainer challenges Mike Mann’s domain registration feat

Klaus Schlimmerburger will attempt to break Mike Mann’s record.

No record remains unbroken, and Klaus Schlimmerburger will attempt to prove just this.

The stocky domainer from the Austrian town of Fucking (pronounced: Fooking) has been registering domain names in the Austrian ccTLD, .at, for years.

Schlimmerburger now wants to become a dot com baron, and to do that he will need to challenge uber-domainers like Mike Mann.

“Ja wohl, ze market in Österreich iz very dumm, no domainer smart will buy Dot Austria domains for grosse prices,” says Klaus Schlimmerburger while adjusting his lederhosen.

“Ze domains I vant is dot comm, und Mike Mann has shown me ze path to Markterfolg is to register many tousand of domain on once!” adds Schlimmerburger, smiling.

The Austrian domainer thus decided to challenge Mike Mann’s recent feat of registering 13,000+ domains in one day, by aiming for a higher number: 15,000.

“Vith 15000 domain I vant prove American domainer that Österreicher domainer is gut, fun und smart! Vith a bit support vi make victory in domain war, I mean, market! Hahaha!” added Schlimmerburger, with a loud laughter.

In order for the record to be acknowledged, Klaus Schlimmerburger is preparing his witnesses from two countries that will verify the feat by checking his domain accounts before and after the registrations are complete. Klaus Schlimmerburger will thus spend more than 102,000 euro to break Mike Mann’s record.

“Ja wohl, mein friend, it is worth it!” says Schlimmerburger with a serious emphatic look on his face.

The attempt will take place during Oktoberfest of 2012 and the results will be published soon after at DNJournal.

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10 Responses to “Austrian Domainer challenges Mike Mann’s domain registration feat”
  1. Mike Mann says:

    Not so exciting, the only issue is who will profit most, and then change the world.

  2. Mike Mann says:

    Christ, he certainly broke my eating record, his head is my whole 110.

  3. Lucius "Gunz" Fabrice says:

    Mike – Looks like he will register the domains in order to eat them! 😀

  4. Kate says:

    In the meantime, Steve, a British expat based in Phuket, Thailand is pondering his next move…

  5. says:

    You just wanted to write the word……… ‘FUCKING’ ……………pronounced Fooking !

  6. Leon Panetta says:

    Sean Pilfold without the tash?

  7. Lucius "Gunz" Fabrice says:

    Leon – Shaun is a class act. Klaus seems to have a weird sense of humor 😀

    W – It’s true, there is no cussing filter on DG, g-d d@mn it!

    Kate – It’s Poo’ket 😛

  8. Wot says:

    Within 24 hours of Klaus Schlimmerburger breaking the record I will register 23,000 in 1 day and drop 23001 the following day, all without the aid of a safety net and without one stein of beer passing my lips during der Oktoberfest 2102!

    ps. I have owned the name for a few years and always thought of setting up email accounts, etc but never got around to it cos I am such a lazy incompetent shit!

  9. Wot says:

    Or 2012 (-:

  10. Actually ze korrekt speling isz “ueber-domainerz” or “überdomainerz”.
    Many americanz register “u” inzted of “ue” or “ü” and lost many many mony.
    zen they offar me this and tell me zis iz good germanz domain. but forgat tad zis is rong zpeling.
    zorry but you amercanz are zomtimez dumm too.

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