Domain companies to be grateful for :

As we’re heading into the final week of 2015, it’s time to reflect on the domain-related achievements of the year that ends, by major players in the domain industry.

Domain companies strengthened their position, expanding on the big leap into gTLD territory in 2014, and deploying strategic services and forging new alliances.

In April, was acquired by

The move shocked many, as has been the monolith of domain escrow services for more than a decade. The transaction completed in November, and the Australia based Freelancer intends to maintain the operations of as an independent company.

escrow-com is not just the primary facilitator of more than $2.2 billion dollars in managed transactions; it’s also the de facto medium that ensures domain sales are enabled securely, assisting both domain sellers and buyers to complete transactions seamlessly.

It’s a brand that is trusted across the board in the domain community, whether it’s for a $100 sale at, or a private domain portfolio exchange for hundreds or millions of dollars.

We’re thankful to, a company we’ve used for a dozen years, that they maintain the domain-centric approach, ensuring the processes in place are secure and fraud-free.

Clearly, is one domain-related company to be thankful for this year, and onto 2016. 😀

Note: is a premium sponsor of DomainGang; that being said, we utilize their services and strive to provide unbiased reviews and coverage.

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