Ultra premium domain name, Future.com, has entered escrow and appears to have been sold.
Registered in 2000, Future.com has been in Chinese hands for a while; the new registrant is most likely in China as well.
The domain was owned by CBS Interactive for many years, until it was sold some time in 2015.
There are no historical sales figures for Future.com that we could locate on DNJournal or NameBio.
The sale of Future.com looks like another solid six figure transaction, potentially more; the term is applicable to many industries, and the keyword returns a massive 2.1 billion results in Google.
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Question about the “registered in 2000” – this is the current created date in the whois? But it could have been created perviously and then expired/deleted/picked up (or drop caught)? Is there a way to see if names existed before their current whois created date?
Matt – There is no doubt the domain existed prior to 2000, and it expired and dropped. Many premium domains had that fate. In 1998, it was redirecting to cnet.com, per https://web.archive.org/web/19981001000000*/future.com
Update – The Future Project is the buyer: http://domaingang.com/domain-news/embrace-the-future-com-domain-upgrade-for-the-future-project/