Meet the Marlers: Husband and wife team explain WordPress at NamesCon

Meet the Marlers, a husband and wife team of WordPress developers from Missouri, aiming at making an impression during NamesCon.

Bruce and Tiffany Marler operate LocalTek, a Farmington web design and marketing firm that allows small, medium and larger businesses to establish their Internet presence, using the popular WordPress platform.

NamesCon 2015 is the place to be, and earlier this morning, the Marlers held an educational session for those interested in getting started with WordPress. Another, more detailed session is following early this afternoon.

It was a great opportunity for even seasoned domainers such as Paige Howe, to ask questions about the WordPress platform, and get expert answers about how to quickly roll out WordPress based web content with minimal effort.

Here are some photos from the event:

marlers5 marlers4 marlers3 marlers2 marlers1

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3 Responses to “Meet the Marlers: Husband and wife team explain WordPress at NamesCon”
  1. Max says:

    Way to be Marlers!

    I’m really hoping that I’ll be able to attend next year… perhaps I’ll look into speaking about WordPress Multisite Networks generally and specifically how WPMS is potentially an awesome solution for Domainers looking to move beyond parking 🙂

    Glad the Marlers are on-site this year to spread the god WP word…


  2. Max says:


    I was trying to make a joke, but seriously, this was a typo 🙂

    “Glad the Marlers are on-site this year to spread the god WP word…”

    was meant to be:

    “Glad the Marlers are on-site this year to spread the good WP word…”

  3. Wordy.Tv says:

    We have regular meetup groups for WordPress Users here in Melbourne, I wish some domainers would start to use it and develop their names

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