Michael Gilmour’s new scifi novel hits newsstands today!

Domain entrepreneur, Michael Gilmour, is a busy professional, examining the impact of PPC to our industry.

Little did we know that Michael is also a published author; his science fiction novels have become hot selling items on Barnes & Noble and the Aussie Literal Exchange Market.

Specializing in this genre, Michael Gilmour is influenced by every day encounters in the domain world, then extrapolates them to suit space novels.

“It’s easy, really, I imagine Rick Schwartz sporting a spacesuit, hopping on the Moon, or Frank Schilling going to the deepest edge of space, beyond Uranus,” says Michael Gilmour.

His latest novel, “AussieStellar“, hit the newsstands and bookstores today, and it’s projected to be a hot item for the Holiday Season.

“I hope you like it, I put a lot of effort into character definition and strong, memorable situations. I hope it will be made into a movie some day!” exclaimed Gilmour.

Congratulations to Michael for being so creative; “AussieStellar” will cost $19.95 in the US, with a free Park Logic DVD about the death of PPC.


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