Using WordPress? Don’t be a Retard, capture the image traffic!

Don't be a retard - capture Google image traffic!

Most bloggers, including domainers, use WordPress as the publication platform these days.

WordPress is a versatile method to provide content in a fast and efficient manner.

It’s not always the most visually appealing as custom-made web development provides far more options, but for the quick and dirty launch of blogs or web sites it’s more than simply adequate.

DomainGang uses WordPress as well, to provide its current “inventory” of more than 1,000 articles; there are also 1,100 images linked to our database that are often accessed on the Internet, when looking for pictures.

When you provide a large number of such images, Google searches end up one step away from your web page that contains that image. To capture that traffic, you need one more thing: a method to forward the visitor back to the page that contains the image.

For example, Google “retard” and switch to images. Then click on the one with the guy with the afro, in front of a panel that says “Surprise! You’re a retard!”

Under normal conditions, you’d end up on a page with the image, overlaying the page. Using the WP Frame Breaker plugin you are forwarded to the actual page, stealing Google’s thunder 😀



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One Response to “Using WordPress? Don’t be a Retard, capture the image traffic!”
  1. Dan says:

    True, it’s an untapped source of traffic. A well SEOed image is easier to rank and will probably get you more traffic than a 1,000 word article.

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