Domainers freezing: Another reason to have a domain conference in Florida!

Typical weather outside of Florida.

When IP attorney Howard Neu announced the launch of THE Domain Conference, from a dot .CLUB domain no less, many domain investors ‘froze‘ by the experienced organizer’s chutzpah.

Rebranding a business in association with a non-com domain appears to be a taboo act, even as gTLDs are spreading around the Internet.

And yet, that was a smart thing to do, receiving instant brand stickiness and reminding everyone that Florida is the best place for entrepreneurship.

After all, “THE” is an apparent acronym for “Tropical Haven for Entrepreneurs.” πŸ˜‰

Even among a crazily frozen winter, Florida is enjoying a weather free of any snow, ice and sleet.

Having THE Domain Conference held in Florida as its permanent headquarters, is another great element of the domain conference’s design.

If you plan to attend THE Domain Conference in September, you won’t need any gloves and outwear, but do bring your swimming trunks and swimsuits, and a good suntan lotion.

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