Puerto Rico : Dot .PR domain shares the status of the rebuilding island

The devastation in Puerto Rico due to hurricane Irma was immense. Millions of Puerto Ricans were left without power and water, and the rebuilding process has been slow.

Domain investors residing on the island, such as Rick Latona, were lucky to escape Irma’s wrath, but are back with fuel and generators restoring power and Internet access.

Said Rick:

“What makes a Puerto Rican happy these days? Other than water, that is. Answer: diesel fuel. It isn’t easy to come by. You have to order it from five services and hope that one of them comes through for you.”

Will ICANN 61 take place in Puerto Rico?

That’s quite uncertain at this point, and in our opinion not smart to pursue, while millions of residents are still suffering.

While Puerto Rico is US territory, it has its own ccTLD, dot .PR. Domains under .PR aren’t cheap!

A rare occurrence of a .PR domain that serves a great function can be seen at Status.PR.

The web site displays updates, pulling data from various resources, to share the status of facilities in Puerto Rico that are being rebuilt.

Check it out, at Status.PR.

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