Bored Apes worth $1 million stolen using a dot .land #domain name

Some unfortunate owners of the highly valuable Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs lost their assets yesterday.

The cybercriminals took advantage of a security lapse at the BAYC Instagram page, substituting the official link with one they controlled.

Using the domain, the criminals set up a page mimicking Yuga Labs, operators of the BAYC franchise. The official web site is at but also that forwards to the former. – a fake lander designed to steal wallets

Once there, the call to action images prompted visitors to connect their wallet and take advantage of a supposed airdrop-a free transfer of tokenized crypto into their accounts. Instead of receiving free crypto, some lost thousands of dollars in NFT valuables.

Dot .land is a gTLD provided by TrueName Domains. About 22,000 .land domains exist, per nTLDstats.

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One Response to “Bored Apes worth $1 million stolen using a dot .land #domain name”
  1. BullS says:

    That what happens when you are bored and you let your guards down.
    Hopefully, their kissin cousins Angry Apes will go after the criminals.

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