Opy.com is the youngest three letter (LLL) .com domain name in the known cosmos; with a registration date of March 10, 2024, it was registered by drop-catching service DropCatch and is currently in auction.
Opy.com has thus lost its original registration date of December 21, 1996.
What caused Opy.com to drop is anyone’s guess, so we set forth to find out. 🙂
From minimal WHOIS records, it appears that the domain was acquired on or around January 12, 2021 by Openpay Pty Ltd, an Australian fintech start-up.
Operating from the domain name OpenPay.com.au, the Aussie company used Opy.com as an acronym and shortcut. The landing page displays the sad truth: the company no longer exists and its assets are in receivership.
Updated on June 28th, 2023, it contains links to information about investors and customers.
A few clicks later, we find out what happened in early 2023:
“Openpay collapsed into receivership in February this year owing more than $66.1 million to creditors, $4.1 million in unpaid leave and wages to employees, and with just $1.2 million left as cash in the bank.”
Whoever wants to bid on the domain auction for Opy.com will have 18 hours to top the current high bid of $26,000 dollars.
Update 3/13/2024: The auction closed at $29,000 dollars with bidder “somealias” winning the domain OPY.com.
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Update 3/13/2024: The auction closed at $29,000 dollars with bidder “somealias” winning the domain OPY.com.