No future for is no longer going to be an independent, functioning entity, favored by numerous domain name investors.

Owners GoDaddy dictate that within the next 30 days the platform will be shutting down. There is no future for Dan beyond that point.

It’s a sad closure towards the untimely demise of a brand that quickly filled the Uniregistry void, another acquisition by GoDaddy’s ever-hungry digital jaws.

The FAQ does not provide any indication that if sellers don’t wish to migrate their domains there is a mechanism in place to ensure no fake listings will take over that space. Absolutely none.

Afternic fanbois can finally rejoice. Enjoy your 20% boosted sales below market value, idiots.

RIP Dan. Lots of love from us.

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One Response to “No future for”
  1. BullS says:

    GD butchered obliterated shit face Dan
    Dan the Man was a well run company with excellent features
    Dan will always be the Man

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