#California or #Florida? Your chance to vote for the #NamesCon 2020 location

NamesCon is moving out of Las Vegas, and while the 2019 event will be at the Tropicana, the 2020 venue has not been decided yet.

One thing is certain: The domain conference’s operators are looking for a coastal city for NamesCon 2020.

We’d very much like to see the event take place at the Grand Cayman, and Frank Schilling being the arch-host of the event, but that’s probably not going to happen.

So the question is, will NamesCon 2020 take place in Florida, or California?

NamesCon2020 – Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Both states have great beaches, and nice weather. Florida is really nice from November to late April, and assuming that the event will still take place at the end of January, the weather will be perfect.

California has a dry climate, especially the Southern parts of it. Excluding the issues with quakes and fires, California is a strong candidate for hosting the event.

Time to poll it out! 😀

NamesCon2020 : Where should it take place?

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6 Responses to “#California or #Florida? Your chance to vote for the #NamesCon 2020 location”
  1. BullS says:

    I will go where she goes!! on the beach with her

  2. Anon says:

    I just hand regged myself again!

  3. Vito says:

    How much time do we have to hit the beach during NamesCon?
    I know the past couple years, i havent had much time to do much else. NamesCon schedule is cram packed already.
    I voted Vegas. Weather is great and always something to do right across or down the street. Flights to Vegas are usually cheaper too.
    Vegas baby!

  4. DomainGang says:

    Vito – TRAFFIC in Miami was great, thanks to the beach being so close.

  5. Al says:

    How about they take turns. One year California and the next Florida. Otherwise, California

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