Chili2010 – Cook for Clean Water

This coming March 1st, 2010 several Internet professionals (bloggers, gamblers, domain flippers, self-taught photoshop moms etc.) will be having a great cooking gala called “Mega Chilimanjaro” in an effort to gather a few bucks for an unknown fund somewhere in Nigeria, Africa.

“Cooking is not my forte but I love eating mass quantities of chili”, said Chef Patrick, avid supporter of the Chili2010 event. “I plan to consume lots of chili and post a video of the resulting ground humidity 45 minutes later. Plus the gathering will take place only 2 hours away from home so I won’t get in trouble again.”

Every year, thousands of Africans eat bad quality chili and perish in the tundras of central Africa, from extreme dehydration.

The mega chili cookout will raise awareness about how to properly cook chili, at what temperature and how it’s supposed to be served so that all of its moisture is preserved.

Many domainers will be participating, each setting aside their busy schedule that currently forces them to get up at 12:00 noon daily.

The Chili2010 event is sponsored by Rick Latona’s which now stands for “Appreciate Every Internet Owner’s Urine“; a reference to the new method of urine purification used by NASA astronauts in space, to conserve water.

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4 Responses to “Chili2010 – Cook for Clean Water”
  1. Tia Wood says:

    This is a comment. I love eggs.

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    I love eggs too but chili is awesome.

  3. lol now I get it, I had not seen the link below the tweet…

  4. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Looks like the Chili Climb of Chilimanjaro is underway.

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