Microsoft is rolling out xCloud today, to give gamers access to more than 150 Xbox games “in the cloud.”
That means Android users can use the Microsoft “gaming as a service” to play games on non-Xbox devices.
The project is two years in the works, but apparently “xCloud” was just the working title as it’s officially called Xbox Game Pass cloud gaming.
Which leads us to the domain up for sale at Uniregistry.
Registered in 2004, the domain is obviously for sale. While Microsoft may attempt to buy it, the renaming of the service from xCloud to Project xCloud to Xbox Game Pass cloud gaming creates less of an expectation for big dollar valuation.
Domain brands often ride on the generic potential of products and services, but their registrants must strike while the proverbial iron is hot to secure a sale.
Special note to the Chinese registrant of who’s trying to extract $20,000 dollars via DAN for a trademark infringement.
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