Never say never, as in the case of – the registrant was adamant about the domain not being for sale, and had placed this message on the lander:
The domain is NOT for sale!
Contrary to what you or anyone else may believe, wish and/or claim, the domain is NOT FOR SALE.Just to be totally clear – the domain is not for sale. I use the domain for certain entirely legitimate if somewhat obscure purposes and have no interest in selling the domain.
Yours truly
The message was signed by the owner, a Canadian named Danny.
Now then, where have we heard that argument before? was just acquired by James Booth, who apparently had to retry with an appropriate offer in order to get the domain name.
Drum roll.
The same registrant appears to own the aged, generic domains and
Moral of the story: everything has a price, and if you think you’d never sell your domain for any amount of money, share that amazing domain below. 😀