When you coin up a term such as “Proformance” you stand out; in the case of Proformance Roofing, the combination of “professional” and “performance” is a portmanteau.
The roofing company is based in Florida, with a“mission is to deliver the best customer service in the residential roofing industry.”
Proformance Roofing uses the domain name ProformanceRoofs.com, as seen in this domain sighting:
It can get a bit complicated though: ProformanceRoofing.com is another company based in Oklahoma. By changing their name to “Proformance Roofs” they’d get to keep the domain and avoid any chances of potential confusion.
What’s a “domain sighting,” you may ask.
It’s when we encounter domain names in the real world, that appear on vehicle wraps and signs, billboards and business signs, and product packaging. For convenience, we group them into .com domain sightings, and other ccTLDs, gTLDs and TLDs.