Domain sightings: Skyline Elevators

Skyline Elevators is a central Florida company that provides elevator‑related services, ranging from maintenance and repair to construction and modernization.

The company operates from the domain name, which is awesome; an exact match .com domain is the ultimate brand sidekick. Registered in 2000, the domain name is seen in this “domain sighting” captured below:

Small issue with the vehicle wrap: The white tagline at the very top is missing the final “s” thus becoming “Skyline Elevator.”

What’s a “domain sighting,” you may ask.

It’s when we encounter domain names in the real world, that appear on vehicle wraps and signs, billboards and business signs, and product packaging. For convenience, we group them into .com domain sightings, and other ccTLDs, gTLDs and TLDs.

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